We unlock opportunities that align with business goals and drive productivity

NRG-ONE brings affordable, emission-free energy services to Australian operations of all sizes.

Working across a range of sectors, our team supports customers to reduce their emissions and execute their sustainability strategy. We unlock opportunities that align with business goals and drive productivity, running an assessment process to understand and screen opportunities and then delivering clean energy solutions that work.

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Our story

Established by the NRG Services Group in 2022, NRG-ONE is a sustainable energy company that partners with forward-thinking organisations to facilitate the transition to net zero.

ONE vision

To bring affordable, emission-free energy to organisations of all sizes

ONE mission

To decarbonise ONE per cent of Australia’s energy supply by 2030

ONE purpose

To challenge the way we think about energy to reduce our carbon footprint

ONE approach

To partner with forward-thinking organisations and support them to access cleaner energy

Understanding net zero

The pursuit of net zero emissions has long been a conversation for corporate enterprises, government and the investment community. But what does it mean and how will it be achieved?

Meet our team

NRG-ONE has a team of skilled professionals with extensive knowledge and experience in delivering smart energy solutions to Australian organisations.

Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service, ensuring a smooth transition to net zero. As your net zero delivery partner, we focus on combining energy productivity with customised renewable technologies aligning with your business needs.


We are a team of skilled professionals with ONE purpose – to challenge the way we think about energy. Together, our team delivers emissions-free energy services to organisations, accelerating the uptake of renewables and clean energy solutions.

At NRG-ONE, we strive to ensure each and every one of our employees feel valued and appreciated, with a commitment to developing a team of professional, proficient and passionate people.


Contact the team at NRG-ONE at any one of our locations in Australia.